Saturday, 7 March 2015

Piano Music

Holmboe's piano music falls into two broad categories. There are a wealth of pieces composed early in his career, many of them quite short, and there is also a much smaller number of larger scale mature works. Recordings of this repertoire are few, and even many of the larger works are yet to be recorded.

The main collection that is available is the disc by Anker Blyme (Danacord DACOCD 502). This includes the following works:
  • Suono da Bardo (The Sound of the Bard), op.49 (M.166), which is by far the largest work.
  • Sonatina Briosa, op.27a (M.130)
  • Romanian Suite, op.12a (M.99)
  • a Suite labelled as "op.4" but in manuscript (based on the composition date probably M.47)
  • Seven Small Piano Pieces (smÃ¥ klaverstykker), which is a collection that Holmboe chose and revised from M.23, 26, 51 and 114.

Anker Blyme recorded Suono da Bardo once before, and that recording was coupled with a performance of the Sonata for solo flute, op.71 (M.192) on LP (Fona TF 123).

The only other piano works to be recorded are a few fragments appearing on Erik Fessel's 2-disc set of Danish Piano Miniatures (Danacord DACOCD 434-35). The included pieces, each of which is only about a minute long, are the two pieces  published in "Pro Piano" in 1958/9 (M.x2P) and the 'Rigoroso' which is the third out of three pieces published in "Via Nova" in 1952 (M.x3P).

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