Monday, 9 March 2015

Choral works: Works with orchestra

Holmboe wrote a number of choral works with an orchestral or large chamber accompaniment. However, only two of them have been recorded so far.

The Requiem for Nietzsche, op.84 (M.219) is a large-scale work. It has been recorded once, with Helge Rønning and Johann Reuter as soloists, and the Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir conducted by Michael Schønwandt (Da Capo 8.224207). The recording is also included in the Da Capo compilation of Holmboe recordings, The Key Masterpieces (Da Capo 8.226101-02)

Beatus Parvo, op.117 (M.270) has also been recorded once, with the Danish National Opera Choir and Aalborg Symphony Orchestra conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes (BIS CD 1176). It is coupled with Concertos 1, 3 and 7 (for piano, clarinet and oboe respectively) from the numbered series.

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