Friday, 1 January 2016

Update: an old LP cover found (not by me)

Hello there.

It's been a long time without any updates to the blog, but that's because there simply hasn't been any news. 2015 seems to have been a pretty barren year for Holmboe recordings. There were some rumours (not for the first time), that Da Capo might re-release their recordings of the numbered concertos in a box set but so far nothing has come of that.

2016 is getting off to a nice start for the blog at least, because I've now been able to update a couple of posts with this LP cover:

It's a small thing perhaps, but to me being able to have images of the recordings is significant. It helps people identify them and proves their existence - which in some cases might help advocate for their eventual re-release.

A huge thank you to Turner for providing this image.

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