Saturday, 16 January 2016

Sonata for solo double bass, op.82

Well, here's an interesting situation...

I have stumbled across the existence of a recording of the double bass sonata. The thing is, all the evidence so far suggests that the recording is only available on Youtube!

This is despite it reportedly being a recording by Frank Reinecke, a double bass player who has made a number of commercial recordings, including of solo repertoire.

As there is no evidence that this recording can be purchased, I've decided (at the moment, at least) not to add it to the main discography entries on chamber music. Nor will I take opus 82 off the list of "unrecorded music". It was never intended that the existence of a self-made recording in a location like Youtube would count for those sorts of purposes. Having said that, this recording - which has all the appearance of professional work - does make maintaining that boundary difficult, especially when it's of a work that does not appear to be otherwise available.

The 3 videos (for 3 movements) were uploaded in February 2015, which is relatively recent. So maybe there is a chance that this will be included in an album at some date in the near future.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Update: an old LP cover found (not by me)

Hello there.

It's been a long time without any updates to the blog, but that's because there simply hasn't been any news. 2015 seems to have been a pretty barren year for Holmboe recordings. There were some rumours (not for the first time), that Da Capo might re-release their recordings of the numbered concertos in a box set but so far nothing has come of that.

2016 is getting off to a nice start for the blog at least, because I've now been able to update a couple of posts with this LP cover:

It's a small thing perhaps, but to me being able to have images of the recordings is significant. It helps people identify them and proves their existence - which in some cases might help advocate for their eventual re-release.

A huge thank you to Turner for providing this image.